Sesame Oil Fried Catfish

Credit Dana’s dad – Bob Felch

  • 5-6 catfish filets
  • Cornstarch – for breading
  • Heavy (cast iron) frying pan
  • 1/2 cup – Canola oil (or canola/Olive oil mix) – enough to fill bottom of pan to 1/8”
  • 2 TBSP – sesame seed oil
  • 5-6 medium cloves garlic – diced
  • Deglazing mix:
  • 4 TBSP – Tamari
  • 4 TBSP – Malt Vinegar
  • 3 tsp – sugar
  • ½ tsp – salt
  • 8 TBSP – hot water
  • 2 cups white rice – cooked

Over medium to medium-high heat (depending on filet thickness) heat Canola oil and sesame seed oil.  Add diced garlic and heat until just starting to turn brown.   Dredge catfish filets in cornstarch and lay in pan.  When browned and half cooked (approximately 7-10 minutes), turn filets to finish other side  (when cooked, small portion of center of filet will be slightly soft).   Place catfish on heated sauce dish in oven (170F) until all catfish has been fried.

Deglazing:  Increase pan heat to high.  Add deglazing mix to remaining stock in frying pan and bring to a boil – stirring.  When sauce has reduced to approximately half, pour sauce heavily over catfish until plate has 3/8”-1/2” sauce across bottom.  Place remaining sauce in gravy boat. Serve with rice.

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